Tuesday, April 22, 2014

I Hope They Call Me on a Mission...

Every few months, I get the opportunity to do a shoot that I feel is really special.

This shoot, was one of those.

Young men and women, around the ages of 18-25, spend years preparing themselves to serve a full-time mission for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.

Once prepared and ready, they submit their papers to church headquarters, where the leaders of the church assign them a specific mission.  Some are overseas, some are stateside, some are service missions in their own county.  But all require a sacrifice of a significant amount of time and dedication- 18 months to 2 years, to be exact.

This young man is no exception.  He submitted his papers and was called to serve in the Bahia Blanca Argentina mission.  He reported to the MTC (mission training center) to begin learning the language and prepare himself for a life of service for 2 full years.

He is also number 2 in the line-up of my lovely Mother of 40 Somethin' from yesterday.  His older brother is also out serving a mission.

Without further ado, here is Elder Kleinman:

Best of luck, Elder Kleinman!!  

So, what did you think?!  Could you give up 2 years of your life to help others?  Especially at 18??  I am always so amazed by these young people!!  

Thank you for stopping by!!


Monday, April 21, 2014

Motherhood and Maternity, at 40 somethin'

Motherhood and Maternity
40 somethin'

So far, you've seen me post about pregnancy in her 20's, expecting the first child and pregnancy in her 30's, expecting her 5th child.

Now, is time for pregnancy in her 40's.

Expecting lucky number 9, her last child.

The mother at 40 somethin' is graceful and sure.
She has not only been here before, but has seen every stage of childhood.

From bringing home 8 boys before, to sending 2 on their way in the world,
She knows every pain, struggle and triumph motherhood holds.

The panic of motherhood has been replaced by a calm awareness,
Not because she has conquered the task, but because she has faith that her best is enough.

She knows being a mom is hard and demanding, she's tired and frustrated at times,
But she finds no other place in the world she would rather be.

With age comes experience,
With age comes peace.

Here's to a wonderful mother, expecting her first girl after 8 wonderful boys!!

Isn't she beautiful!???

What are your thoughts?  How did you feel at different ages of pregnancy?  Were you one who LOVED being pregnant, or did you find yourself yearning for the 9 months to come to an end?

Thank you for stopping by!  Stay tuned tomorrow for a follow-up on this mom as I reveal a session I did with one of her oldest sons as he prepared to leave on a two-year mission!

Have a wonderful evening!!


Monday, April 7, 2014

Motherhood and Maternity, at 30 somethin'

Welcome to my second installment of Motherhood and Maternity...

30 Somethin'

Pregnant and 30, not on her first, but not on her last,
This mother has been here before!

She spends her days chasing small children, 
Wishing for the youth of her twenties, but grateful for the experience time has brought her.

While she has a long road to go, and many lessons to learn,
She is happy right where she's at- cherishing the opportunity to bare another child.

The things she took for granted in her twenties seem far more important to her now.
Her life is calming and she can see that these precious days will be but fleeting moments.

Well, I won't ask you to applaud this mother- because, well, it's me! :)

But, here are the pictures from my maternity session- a mother of 30 somethin' expecting her 5th child:

Well, what do you think?  What was pregnancy like for you in your 20's, or 30's?  

Thank you for stopping by and be sure to catch my final installment of Motherhood and Maternity: at 40 somethin'!  :)

Until then, have a lovely week!!!
