If you've been counting, and I'm sure you have (because I'm sure you have time to calculate the age of every living child), then you know that today marks the 4th month of my son's life!
I know, you're probably wondering what I'm doing- I am not one of those moms that takes pictures with a stuffed animal at each milestone. I wish I was. But, alas, I am not.
In fact, on this day, I am posting my son's 3 month pictures. Which, to be honest, is actually pretty good for my own family portraits. I have pictures of my kids from YEARS back that have yet to be edited. My husband is constantly teasing me- telling me I'm the plumber with leaky pipes. I totally am.
But, here's the thing. After I spend hours editing another lovely session, all I want to do is SPEND TIME with my family, not look at them on a screen. As beautiful as their pictures are, the real thing is RIGHT in front of me. And, Kenton's double chin will not be so doubly cute forever. He will grow, and if I'm nose-deep in my computer, looking at the 2D version, I will miss it.
So, I'll take the leaky pipes. Leaky pipes, to me, equal a mom who is spending time doing much more worth-while things.
However, sometimes the stars align, and I get to do both. For those of you who don't get to see the real-life 3D version, here is my sweet Kenton:
Those eyes. They make my heart melt! They are just the perfect shade of blue. Gush, I know totally biased and obsessed mom over here!
Have I mentioned my TOTAL obsession with antique clothing? Or my latest obsession with IG shopping- it's horrible, don't even start! Well, these loves collided with this vintage romper and I'm obsessed! For $2 I got this beautiful piece delivered to my door! EEEK!
If you're wondering how you can get fab pieces, follow my new instagram: @lookyloostyle. I will be posting fabulous finds, great deals, and even selling some of the portrait-worthy dubs from my own family!
I know I gushed about his eyes, but really, my most favorite thing about Kent is his nose. Random, I know! But, it's just so cute and has the perfect and turns up at such a cute angle.
A typical day in Kenton's life: kissed, cuddled and loved on to no end! Each of my other children is just as obsessed as me. From the moment he wakes up to the second those lids shut, someone is canoodling this sweet baby. And he wouldn't have it any other way! Kent LOVES to look deeply into our eyes and tell us all of his deepest darkest secrets.
I'm sorry for the lack of faces. We did not steal the mannequins from Old Navy, those are the girls we are fostering. I am hoping, at some point to adopt them- then you will get your fill of their beautiful faces!! Until then, I have to keep you guessing! ;)
I hope you enjoyed this little glimpse into my life and my little man!!
Have a wonderful day and be sure to check back in later this week for another Senior Session!
Here's Looking at YOU!
where oh where were these taken? i want that door!