Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Stunning Shanna

Well, here we are AGAIN!

If you're wondering, my last post was about my birth story- FOUR MONTHS AGO.

Yeah, well, let's just say blogging is not among my most notable talents.

Alas, I am here now and ready to show you the pure gorgeousness that was our LookyLoo Senior 2015 Rep shoot this year!

First up, Shanna.

Stats:  Hair/Makeup by Jessica Munoz of Twist Studio
           Styling by Cindy McCauley of Looky Loo Photography
           Location Harmony, CA

She is not only beautiful, but amazing talented and smart.  She plays the piano beautifully, dreams of becoming a Dr one day, and keeps herself busy with an array of extra-curricular activities.

Basically, the perfect Senior!  ;)

Isn't she fabulous?!?

Thank you, Shanna for being one of my 2015 Reps!  If you would like gorgeous LookyLoo photos like these, find Shanna and ask her for one of her rep cards!  You will receive $20 and a free 8x10 print!  

Until next time, my friends!
Here's Looking at YOU!

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